Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Tips and Hints about Effective Self-Talk

As one of the facilitators of Communication in Haggai Institute Malaysia, I have often emphasized upon the importance of 'self-talk'. This exercise is extremely crucial if we want to have a clear picture of what we want to do, where we want to go and how we are to achieve that. Here are some tips and hints written by my friend, Denis Waitley, that I found to be very helpful to anyone on the journey of becoming the person whom God wants you to be. Remember: Nothing happens outside you until it happens inside you. God bless!
 Pastor Albert Kang

We're all talking to ourselves every moment of our lives, except during certain portions of our sleeping cycle. We're seldom even aware that we're doing it. We all have a running commentary in our heads on events and our reactions to them. Here are some tips to remember:

• Be aware of the silent conversations you have with yourself. Are you a nurturing coach or a critic? Do you reinforce your own success or negate it? Are you comfortable saying to yourself, "That's more like it." "Now we're in the groove." "Things are working out well." "I'll do it better next time."

• When you fail, view it as a temporary inconvenience, a learning experience, an isolated event, and a stepping stone instead of a stumbling block.

• When you have even a small success, reinforce that success by rewarding yourself and feeling pride, rather than feeling lucky or guilty for the attention.

• When you receive a compliment for any reason, simply respond: "Thank you." And accept value graciously whenever it is offered.

• Always greet the people you meet with a smile. When introducing yourself in any new association, take the initiative to volunteer your own name first, clearly; and always extend your hand first, looking the person in the eyes when you speak.

• In your telephone communications at work or at home, answer the telephone pleasantly, immediately giving your name to the caller. And when you call, give your name before you ask for the party you want and before you state your business. Leading with your name underscores that a person of value is making the call.

• Don't brag. People who trumpet their exploits and shout for service are actually calling for help. The showoffs, braggarts and blowhards are desperate for attention.

• Don't tell your problems to people, unless they're directly involved with the solutions. And don't make excuses. Always talk affirmatively about the progress you are trying to make.

Apply these tips and keep the running commentary in your head on a positive note!

—Denis Waitley

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